Jesus Came To Set You Free

Whatever weighs you down or holds you captive, Jesus is the one to set you free. Our problems may loom before us, like mountains that seem impossible to climb or conquer. Regardless what mountain stands before you…even if you have already circled it many times and couldn’t find your way to climb it… He makes it possible to shatter that mountain and cast it away into the sea! (Matthew 21:21)
Jesus is our healer and our liberator
He is the solution! Through Jesus, we are rescued, made whole and restored in spirit, soul, and body… every part of us. He came for this purpose! Healing and freedom are available to all who would believe and receive. That’s you! And that’s me, too.
Hope is alive and His name is Jesus
Be encouraged! Visit our blog section for relevant posts with Biblical teaching and strategy on how you can break through to healing with Jesus Christ!